as a mom i’m constantly snapping moments from the day. sadly for me, i use my iPhone for nearly 95% of the images i capture of my family. as a photographer, this makes my heart sad. i want to use my talent and creativity on those i love the most! something pretty awful happened a few weeks ago.. i was attempting to back up my phone and lost EVERYTHING. all the little moments i snapped over the past 6 months, gone. harper’s first three and a half months, gone. thankfully i share tons on instagram, and facebook and have taken monthly sessions with my ‘real’ camera. i was able to collect the big ones. but still so very devastating.
but then something amazing happened this week. my dear friend, ali caudill, had a great idea to start a seven on sunday series. each week a group of us will share seven pictures with a theme. these ladies have become so much more to me then fellow photographers. we’re fellow mama’s and can relate to each other on so many ways. this weeks series is gratitude. and i had to join, how could i miss out on sharing some of my favorite moments from the week. (guaranteed to be backed up!) so this week i put my ‘big girl camera’ on the kitchen table (off my desk) and reached for it in those moments i wanted to capture.
so here’s my gratitude, the moments that make my heart so very full…

{1: left over party balloons made for fun distractions while feeding little sister}
{2: watching their sibling bond grow stronger each day}
{3: FRIDAYYYYYYs we get daddy back!!!!}
{4: new life.. after the millionth inch of snow melted}

{5: bubbles and dreamy sunsets AFTER dinner}

{6: bumbo seats that keep this four month old happy}
{7: first grilled meal of the season on our new grill}
you don’t need a fancy camera to join us.. just tag #sevenonsunday and play along! also, stop by my fabulous friend’s pages and check out their weekly series <3
ali - so much love! <3 these are all perfect. isn't sibling love the best? and that first one… i can't believe how big he is! xo
Kelly - Oh my gosh, I’m already slacking! You know how it goes with two, right? 🙂 Love, love, love this project, and your photos – darling! #3 melts my heart a million times over!